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Take your Chinese to the next level.

Practice handwriting, study vocab, 100% offline.

  • ✍️ Handwriting Recognition

    Practice over 10,000 characters. When studying, get real-time feedback on your strokes.

  • πŸ’₯ Smart Flashcards

    Study actively by reading and writing words. Memorize faster, remember longer.

  • πŸ›© 100% Offline

    Noodle works perfectly without internet. Study anywhere, anytime, and save your battery and data.

  • 🧠 Personalized Learning

    Noodle adapts to your progress, focusing more on words you need help with, less on those you know.

  • βœ… Vocab Lists

    Create your own or choose from hundreds of topics like Numbers, Colors, and Animals.

  • πŸ“– A Full Dictionary

    Over 100,000 entries. See example sentences, character breakdowns, synonyms, and related words.